Sharon Reiser

Sharon Reiser
Research Associate
T direct +41 44 366 63 42

Sharon Reiser has been working as a Research Associate in the research team at schilling partners ag since 2021. Her responsibilities include researching potential candidates and analysing the 100 largest Swiss employers (schillingreport).

She complemented her apprenticeship with a successful Bachelor of Science degree in industrial engineering. Sharon Reiser is currently pursuing her Master’s degree in Data Visualisation at the University of Applied Sciences Graubünden.

In addition to her mother tongue German, she speaks fluent English and has a good knowledge of French.

In addition to her passion for travelling, she is active in gymnastics and passes on her knowledge to young talents as a squad leader.

Her personal motto is:

„We cannot direct the wind. But we can adjust the sails”


Functional Levels

Top management for companies in Switzerland


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