schillingtalk Human Resources

for a selected group of managers in the field of human resources in Swiss companies

Topic: «Transformation»

will take place on Wednesday, 04. September 2024


Malte Müller is the organiser of the schillingtalk on the topic of transformation. The guests are human resources managers from Swiss manufacturing companies. The event serves as a curated exchange of best practice and networking.

17.45 hArrival
18.00 hKeynote speech with Feliciano González Muñoz, Group Head HR at Holcim AG
18.30 hQuestions and discussion in the plenary session
19.00 hOpen exchange, networking and aperitif – open end
Keynote speaker

Feliciano González Muñoz

Group Head of HR and member of the Group Executive Committee at Holcim AG


Malte Müller
Managing Partner, Head Industry/Energy
T direct +41 44 366 63 75

Malte Müller fills management and leadership positions in the Swiss industrial sector. An important functional focus is on functions in the context of digital transformation and the development of new business models for companies.

further information

schillingnews flash – Video Interviews: pros and cons

Video interviews are not an equivalent substitute for the face-to-face, job interview in person. However, video meetings offer significant advantages that will establish themselves in the standard repertoire of the selection process. We expect that in the future only people who have already conducted a video interview will be invited to the personal interview.


A team that convinces by performance